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Standalone **test alert** _(times out in **3** secs)_


You can now use markdown in the text of your alerts!


	<rg-alert style="success" dismissable=false timeout=3>Standalone **test alert** _(times out in **3** secs)_</rg-alert>
	<br />


 RiotGearInit() ;   // If you're using markdown text.

riot.mount("rg-alert") ;

var tags = riot.mount('rg-alerts', {
  alerts: [{
    style: 'brand',
    text: 'Look! Something _you_ should know about.'
  }, {
    style: 'warning',
    text: 'Warning! You can\'t **remove** this alert.',
    dismissable: false
  }, {
    style: 'success',
    text: 'Success! Well done. This alert will disappear in **10 seconds**',
    timeout: 10000   // values can either be in secs or milisecs. Will adjust accordingly. Anythng over 50K milis gets set to 5 secs.
  }, {
    style: 'error',
    text: 'Error! Something bad happened. ',
    dismissable: true

tags[0].on('select', function (alert) { ... })
         .on('dismiss', function (alert) { ... })